RSTC Newsletter #1

Wed 30 Nov 2022

RSTC Newsletter #1

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RSTC Newsletter            Issue: 1 (December 2022)

1.      Introduction                          

This is the first of a regular series of Newsletters for RSTC members, to keep you informed of what is happening within the club. It is published on the RSTC website, as well as being sent, in print, to those members without access to email or internet. This newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis.

2.      AGM

This was held on 3rd November and attended by over 50 members. Our guest speaker was Alan Jones, who gave a very entertaining talk entitled ‘The Adventures of a Roving Reporter’ recounting some of his experiences as a BBC Reporter covering the south of England.

This was followed by the AGM itself.

In his Chairman’s Report, Tony King said that RSTC is steadily recovering from the pandemic with new members joining regularly. Current membership stands at around 320. Due to the intervention of the pandemic, subscriptions have not been levied for the 2021/2022 year. Subscriptions have resumed for the 2022/23 year, which started in September.

He warned that Hodges Coaches – who we have used since 1998 – have held their prices since 2019 but now need to levy increases on us, due to fuel and wage rises, from 1st April 2023. Regrettably, these increases will have to be passed onto members.

Tony reported that members paying by bank transfer and booking by email are increasing. Postal arrangements will continue for members without access to computers and the internet.

The results of the recent members survey were highlighted. A more detailed summary can be found on the website.

Finally, the Chairman thanked members for their continued support.

In the Treasurer’s Report, Gordon Jones thanked his predecessor Tony Briggs for all his help and, also, Malcolm Ray-Smith who is retiring as the Independent Examiner of the Accounts after 9 years’ service.

In the first full year of operation after the pandemic, a loss of just over £2000 was recorded, caused mainly by the lack of any subscription income – for reasons outlined earlier by the Chairman. Our cash reserves continue to be maintained at an acceptable level.

For ‘Election of Officers’ Rev Catherine Bowstead officiated. All members of the Committee were unanimously re-elected. They are:

Chairman: Tony King                       

Secretary: Lesley Wheaton

Treasurer: Gordon Jones

Assistant Treasurer: Kay Hammond

Theatre Bookings: Tony Weston

Bookings Administrator: Judy Jones

At the conclusion of the AGM, the new RSTC website was launched and demonstrated to members, who were urged to use it for both information and to provide feedback to the Committee.

3.      Upcoming Events

December sees over 100 members attending ‘Christmas Celebration by John Rutter’ at the Royal Albert Hall. This is followed, in January, by a trip to the Kew Musical Museum to see their collection of musical instruments and a demonstration and recital of the mighty Wurlitzer Theatre Organ followed by afternoon tea.

February sees another trip to the ever-popular Cadogan Hall for ‘Orchestral Valentines’  - a selection of romantic music from film, opera and classical music performed by the RPO.

Following many requests, in March we go to see the musical version of ‘Pretty Woman’ at the Savoy Theatre. There are still a few places available for this very popular show.

From April onwards, we have a full programme which includes ‘Messiah’ ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’, Hollywood Film Music Gala’, ‘Gypsy’, Birmingham Canal Trip and The Mousetrap.

More details of all these events can be found on the RSTC website

4.      Booking by Email

For those who book events by email, it is no longer necessary to email the completed booking form. An email detailing your name, event, how many places you require, the Pick-up Point, method of payment and confirmation email address is sufficient. Please note that those members paying by cheque need to draw the cheque to ‘Rose Street Theatre Club’. Due to increased security checks, the bank will not accept cheques drawn to ‘RSTC’.

Book early to avoid disappointment!

5.      Emergency Telephone Number

To cater for any emergency occurring during an event eg. unable to get back to the coach or illness, we have invested in a dedicated mobile telephone which will be carried by the coach escort for that event. The number will be provided to members attending each event and must only be used in the event of an emergency. Outside of an event, this telephone will be switched off.

6.      Feedback via Website

We are always keen to receive feedback from our members on any aspect of the club’s activities – good, bad or indifferent! Please use the ‘Contact’ form on the website to air your views. We look forward to hearing from you.

7.      Members’ Questionnaire

Many thanks to all those members who responded. Your feedback is invaluable. A summary of the responses is to be found on the RSTC website.

8.      RSTC 25th Anniversary

This occurs in March 2023 and is documented in the ‘History of RSTC’ on the website. Happy Anniversary RSTC!