Rose Street
Theatre Club

Theatre trips from Wokingham

Welcome to the Rose Street Theatre Club

Arranging theatre trips, ranging from Popular Musicals to Classical Concerts, from Plays to Operas.
Les Mis
Swan Lake
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

Welcome to the Rose Street Theatre Club Website

The Rose Street Theatre Club (RSTC) arranges trips to theatres and other venues, ranging from Popular Musicals to Classical Concerts, Plays to Operas and destinations such as the Royal Mint and the Musical Museum.

All trips are by coach, picking up at a number of stops from Crowthorne through to Wokingham (including Nine Mile Ride, Rose Street and the Three Frogs), and the coach fare is included in the overall cost of the event. Membership is open to all.

We aim to offer an exciting and comprehensive range of activities and is 'a welcoming and safe way' to visit local theatres as well as the big London shows - something few senior citizens living alone would ever attempt. 

We feel we meet the 'social needs of our community' in a very practical way and have seen many friendships established that extend beyond the club's activities.

You can view the future itinerary here or enquire further here.