RSTC Members' Questionnaire

Wed 9 Nov 2022

RSTC Members' Questionnaire

Summary of Results. Thanks to all who responded.

The Questionnaire sent out to all members in early-October elicited an excellent response from 168 members.

Summarising the responses to the 9 questions:

  1. Length of Membership
    A majority of respondents had been members for more than 6 years.
  2. Shows Attended in Past Year
    Probably due to the pandemic, nearly one-third of respondents had not been to a RSTC event in the past year.
  3. Available Methods of Communication
    Nearly 80% of respondents had access to some sort of home computer or smartphone. In addition, a significant majority had access to online banking, email and internet.
  4. Newsletter and Website
    Most respondents would welcome a regular newsletter and would use an RSTC website.
  5. Shows and Events of most interest
    A large majority were interested in Plays, Thrillers, Comedies, Musicals and Concerts. Slightly fewer were interested in Ballet and Opera. Most respondents welcomed Visits with the recent visit to the Royal Mint being especially highlighted.
  6. Matinee or Evening Performances?
    Most people had no preference, although almost a third of respondents preferred Matinees.
  7. Local or London Performances?
    A large majority had ‘No Preference’.
  8. Existing Booking and Payment Methods
    A small majority receive booking information by email – rather than by Post. Similarly, a small majority still pay by cheque, rather than bank transfer.
  9. Gave Feedback
    35% of respondents made comments or suggestions – which are summarised below.25% of respondents sent praise and thanks to the RSTC Committee for the work which they do.

General Comments

  • Parking in Wokingham and Crowthorne a big problem for daytime trips
  • Prefer to use own transport for trips to Sonning Mill
  • Seating uncomfortable at some theatres (Yvonne Arnaud and Windsor) although both venues popular
  • Do not have transport to get to pick-up points
  • Coach drivers are excellent
  • Royal Mint a highlight – much praise

Shows, Events and Places Members would like to see (in no particular order)

Portsmouth Naval Dockyard ##

Highgrove House ** ##

Longer trips and overnight stays

Richmond and Basingstoke Theatres

National Trust venues **

More Comedies

Day out at the seaside **

Jools Holland

Houses of Parliament

Strictly Ballroom Tour

Tonbridge Wells/Hever Castle ##

Les Miserables ##


Lion King ##

Foundling Museum

Tower of London

Blenheim Palace

Kew Gardens or Wisley Gardens

Roman Baths (at Bath) ##

Art Exhibitions

Behind the scenes tours eg. Stately Homes

Pretty Woman ** ++

Windsor Theatre and Supper

London Museums ##

Chichester Festival Theatre **

Prima Facie – Jodie Comer

Hampton Court

Sonning Mill Tour ##

Cadogan Hall Concerts ** ++

Keys to Annotations

** multiple requests

## visited by RSTC in last 5 years

++ currently scheduled

Very many of the respondents were extremely satisfied with the variety of the selections made by RSTC.