1. Who can join RSTC?

Membership is open to all.

2. What is the cost of membership?

The annual subscription is £10 – 1st September to 31st August.

3. Do husbands/wives/partners need separate memberships?

Yes, separate memberships are required.

4. How Booking Works

Each month you will receive an email with a Booking Form for the next event which is usually 3 months ahead. From time to time a ‘Special’ Booking Form will be sent where, to obtain seats, we have to reserve and pay well in advance.

Members have the option of:-

a) Emailing the relevant booking information to Judy Jones, i.e.



No of seats required for members

Stop no.

b) posting a completed booking form to Tony King, or

c) depositing a booking form in one of the RSTC postboxes, which are inside the Bradbury Centre and outside the Methodist Church in Rose Street.

d) Email and postal addresses are shown on the booking form.


We ask for payment, either by bank transfer (preferred) or by cheque, at the time of booking. The amount for each event is shown on the booking form, as are the bank details.

Booking confirmations

Confirmation of your booking will be sent out after the closing date, either by email or post.

Please include a Stamped Addressed Envelope if you would like your booking confirmation posted to you.

Guest seats can be requested, and these will be allocated if there any places available after members have booked. Do not pay for guest places until you have been contacted to say that a space is available.

Please note that merely doing a bank transfer for the cost of the event does not constitute a booking! Please make sure you always send a completed copy of the booking form or the booking information to the appropriate Committee member.

(Updated January 2025)

5. Does RSTC obtain theatre tickets at a discount?

Yes, but this varies from venue to venue. For some London theatres, by paying for tickets many months in advance, we can get substantial discounts which are passed onto members.

6. Does RSTC aim to make a profit?

RSTC is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers.

7. How many coaches go to each event?

1 or 2 coaches (53 or 106 passengers) go to each event, depending on likely popularity and availability of tickets.

8. Can I book online?

No. Booking is via email or by post.

9. Can I pay by cheque or bank transfer?

Yes – either method. Bank transfers preferred.

10. If I need to cancel my booking, can I get a refund?

Provided that tickets can be sold to others on the waiting list, full refunds are made.

11. Does RSTC hold an AGM?

Yes, in October or early November each year.

12. Does RSTC publish a Newsletter to members?

Yes, a quarterly newsletter is made available to all members.

13. How many members does RSTC have?

As at January 2025, RSTC has approaching 425 members. 

14. I have lost my booking form, how do I find out the coach pick-up times?

Coach Pick-up times are published on the booking form and on the website for each event.

15.  Where are the Coach Pick-up Points?

1.  Sandhurst - Longdown Rd/Crowthorne Rd Bus Stop
2. Crowthorne - Opposite Taylor&Whitlock Jewellers, Dukes Ride
3. Nine-Mile Ride - Bus Stop outside No. 304
4. Finchhampstead Rate-Payers Hall
5. Luckley Oakfield - opposite Luckley Oakfield Rd
6. Rose Street - opposite Methodist Church
7. 'Three Frogs' - Three Frogs pub, London Rd

Rose Street Theatre Club (updated January 2025)

Anything else you would like to know, please send a message